Order Q & A:

Q1: Does the price on the page include shipping fee and tax?

 The price don't include shipping fee and tax. If you have a valid EU company registration, please provide us with relevant information, no need to pay VAT.

Q2: MOQ requirement

We do not have MOQ requirement, but syrup, toppings series are not suitable for mailing due to the product packaging, so they can only be delivered by freight, and the freight lifting 100kg will be more cost-effective.

Q3: How to calculate shipping fee?

 The shipping cost of each country and city is different. If you want to know the shipping cost of your region, you can provide us with the city name and postal code. (tee.quadrat@googlemail.com)


Q4: Do I have to buy the whole box?


A4: The price on our website is the wholesale price of the whole box. You can buy it in a single pack or a single can, but the price will be higher, 10 or 15 euros per item, depending on the product.



Q5: Payment Method 


A5: We only accept bank transfer. and you can find our bank information in your quotation.



Q6: When can I get my order?


A6: After you receive our quotation, if the content of the quotation is okay, you can remit according to the amount on the quotation. After our accountant confirms receipt of your payment, you will receive a "payment confirmation letter" , We will prepare your order and send it out within 3-4 working days after you receive the letter.

P.S. shipment progress may be advanced or delayed due to force majeure. We will notify separately if there is any situation. 



Q7: If I want to make the printing cups with my logo?


A6: Please check here